After I barely beat the first part of Epic Battle Fantasy, I just had to continue with Chapter II. This time, I'm doing you a favor and I try to talk in English!
But aside from that, Remember Grand Adventure? I did, but I did not remember why I never finished that game. This is your chance to beat it before me. Beware: This Let's Play is in German.
For the German speaking people: I did the whole series as a Let's Play this spring and maybe you want to watch it? By the time you finish them all, the latest game will be fully published. Have Fun!
Let's continue with my German Playthrough series! In honor of Matt Roszak, I started playing Epic Battle Fantasy 1, a game of the RPG genre, which is not really my foretape. But at least I give it a shot. Look forward to the tentacles!!!
Another German playthrough of a game available here on Newgrounds!
It's been some months now since Bullet Heaven 2 of KupoGames is out. I have made a full blind playthrough in German in normal mode. Watch 20 episodes of bullet orgasm here and you can play the game on Newgrounds:
This week, my new gaming computer came out and I thought, it is time to check out the Steam version. A big thank you to Matt Roszak! This video starts in English but will switch to German later on.
I love Newgrounds and I love to record gaming videos. Maybe you are interested in watching somebody play some games available here on Newgrounds? I have quite a few videos already, but this is the first time, I am presenting a series as a news here on Newgrounds!
My playthrouhgs are in German, so don't bother if you do not understand it.