Welcome to 2020!
Oh what a lovely year 2019 was for me. Let me tell you. But first:
I could convince my collegue to join Newgrounds and publish an audio piece of his own. Give it a listen, I think it is amazing.
Also stay tuned for Pixelday. We each got a song brewing. He ist already pretty much done. For me it's a few more hours of work but I am very pleased how it turns out.
So, back to the topic: 2019. I finally got something I never had in my 40 years of life: Rest. Last year marks the year I definitely got out of dept and started enjoying calm evenings without worries. Some of the past years had bleak outlooks containing one or two existential crisis but I never lost my optimistic attitude. Nontheless, I had several sleepless nights pre-2019. These were gone now.
Starting in spring, I put away lots of things which I kept over the past years to keep me busy and explore all possibilities live could give to me. Fun stuff but it was just time to move on and possibly make room for more exciting things. But then, something unexpected, but equally amazing happened: I got lazy.
Strange thing, but I think I gained 10 kilogram of weight over one year just because I really enjoyed doing nothing for a change. And for a time, I would not worry about it. Only at the end of the year, I started to feel a bit too chubby and now, I'm shaping myself back again. And I also wanted to shape my productivity in creative things again.
Sadly, the coppa thingy killed basically off my motivation to do film stuff. And I just started to enjoy a new camera. Oh well, there are other things I spent money on the past years which were far more stupid. But I lost yet again a new playground where I could be creative.
I must do things. The end of the year made me think what I would do with my time and energy. Unfortunately, I haven't really found a new toy yet but I got one or two things which I still enjoy. One is music, the other is programming. For the second though, my enthusiasm is slowly fading and so I'm a little on the edge.
If you got any ideas, not involving Bungee jumping or learning how to dance, feel free to lit some pixels below in the comments. Maybe there is something I really haven't thought about!
Let's see how 2020 turns out. There are possibilities!