
93 Audio Reviews

33 w/ Responses

Quite entertaining. Very bright. Well mastered. I imagine this being used in the end credits of a game or an anime series.

But I also have some critique. There is almost no build-up. Maybe bring in the bells later, their bright sound should be near the end of the song. Additionally, it's the same four or five chords over and over again. Finally at 4:00 and 4:40, there was some variation. Also the beats do not change much. The guitar could be much more "dirty" for my taste.

All in all, a highly respectable piece, compared to other songs here on Newgrounds.

TigerTen responds:

Thank you very much! Yes, admittedly, this track is repetitive and doesn't have a lot of percussion variation. I guess part of me didn't want to change it too much from the original. This actually came from a One Hour Competition originally (the one over at ThaSauce).

The part starting at 2:40 is most exciting! Would have hoped for a Bigbeats resolution after the buildup, but good song overall.

Pretty fresh. Yet another style. Somebody should do vocals to this. I imagine AC/DC maybe.

I see what you did there with modulation, not all fluent but like salt and pepper: It spices up. Buildup leading to 1:20 is very nice! Struggle at 2:50 but leads to a nice blue part. You should do more minor key instead of major, the melodies you show have more depth. A little chaotic there though. Resolution to the end is a little flat. I could imaging an ending with a bang.

The melody has the same potential as Glorious morning and village up north. I like it very much. Though this version felt a little jumpy. Still solid. More remixes! More styles!

This one, to me, is rather messy, to be honest. Kudos for reviving Grid voyage and village up north. But this track, in my opinion, does not come even close. Plus, it was quite noticeable that the tuning of your instruments was several cents off.

Catchy. I like it when you use cut-sample voices.

One thing I would like to point out though is 2:16, where you start searching for a modulation with a major accord. I kinda got used to it as being your style but perhaps you could look more deeply into it as it still after all those years sounds like a misguided tone. Modulations between major and minor can make your songs way more interesting. You have been strong in major for years, now you slowly went to minor first, which I find fantastic. Try to pimp it up with some classic Waterflame-major-lightness with a smooth modulation in between. Just a suggestion. Keep on doing what you do!

Heard this in NG Radio today. It's my new ringtone!

SpazeMusic responds:

Oh, shit! That's awesome! :D

This is of the control series! No wonder I can't stop listening!
I just looked into my music collection: Listened to all of the first three controls over 300 times each. Including your album "Green"
This forth piece is no exception. I like the extremely dry bass. And I just learned a new word:


In German, we say "horny" in a lot of non-sexual occasions. This piece of work is one of them.

I don't dance. But to this music, resisting is almost impossible.

Since more than twenty years, Newgrounds is the place I spend some minutes every day to get inspiration.

Age 45, Male

Software Engineer

ETH Zurich


Joined on 4/15/08

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