
132 Movie Reviews

30 w/ Responses

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The lighting, the precision, the special effects! You put a very high bar for future stop-motion creators!

So many references!


Let me explain: I love your animation style. The beginning of this piece is promising and in the style I love. So I was looking forward to some wacky jokes or redrawn scenes from the movie. But the middle in this piece are not things you animate. And it is quite a lot. Really a lot, bordering on having to worry about copyright. You basically blatantly show the movie. More blatantly, you show the scenes which are most eye popping which, when out of context and in such short time is just lurid. And that is a bummer. If you just had created a sarcastic 10-20 second monolog with some self-drawn stills, that would have been a solid 5 stars. That is your strong suit. But this is just ... I don't know. I guess I was expecting something more unique. I know that even just cutting such a movie review takes hours. But for this animation, I can't give you too many stars. Keep up your animations, they're alive, they're alive!

You Sir must know the best Sex humankind can ever have.

I have never watched the movie. And now I never have to. Ever.

It's a very good short but there are 2 glaring faults which I believe make this score too low for what it would be: 1. The music is not fitting at all and too loud as well, I presume, you get a better experience by removing it completely. 2. Please correct the aspect ratio. Please. It's a shame to look at. I mean, even the thumbnail is wrong. You do have the original, don't you?

Mithmeoi responds:

It's 11 years old, so no I don't. Back then you were doing good to get something to 480p on the net and everything was cropped.
As for music, it was made specifically for it by a friend, he was still really new to composing and sound compilation at the time.
Despite that I'm glad you could at least appreciate the animation.

All done by one person. That's the stuff I like.

This video definitely proves: Reanimates are a new art form. Thanks to all who worked on this!

That was indeed a twist I did not expect.

Since more than twenty years, Newgrounds is the place I spend some minutes every day to get inspiration.

Age 45, Male

Software Engineer

ETH Zurich


Joined on 4/15/08

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